Using the Seller’s Success System To Win Real Estate Listings

When you talk to a client about selling their home, they want to know that you have a system to do that. That’s why we created one!

We are big fans of having systems and strategies in place in all aspects of business. Systems help you manage your time and instill confidence in your clients that you have the expertise to sell their homes quickly and for the most money. 

In order to help you engage with potential clients, we have developed the “Seller’s Success System”. It sounds pretty fancy, doesn’t it? The truth is you already have all the tools you need to implement this system. The secret sauce, however, isn’t in the tools themselves; it’s in the branding.  

How Branding Establishes Your Credibility

Let’s imagine a scenario: A homeowner is looking to sell their home and invites two different agents over to interview. For context, we’re going to say they have approximately the same level of experience. The first agent is pleasant and seems knowledgeable, but when they sit down at the table, and they move into their listing presentation, their slides and tools look a little like generic templates printed off of the internet. The second agent, just as pleasant and knowledgeable as the first, has put the time and effort into creating an artful presentation and walks sellers through an established process with consistently branded tools and slides (and clever names). Sure, both agents have the same skills and rapport, but which do you perceive as having their act together? The second agent. 

The Power of Branding

The Seller’s Success System is essentially the listing appointment with a new name. This form of branding is a marketing concept that helps build confidence in the minds of your sellers because when you give a name to something, it gives it more credibility while increasing the level of understanding for the homeowner. Putting it into everyday terms (sometimes with a humorous twist or using alliteration) helps the homeowner know (and remember) exactly what the tool is. 

Branding also differentiates you from other agents because this gives intentionality to your presentation rather than using “generic” forms and tools. It can also help develop more of an emotional connection when you brand your presentation and tools with a name that resonates on a more personal level and, finally, creates confidence through the consistency in your messaging.  

The Parts of the Seller’s Success System  

While you are sitting with your potential clients and going through the Seller’s Success System, you will use the following tools to showcase why you are the best agent for the job: 

  1. Listing Presentation – Whether you use a binder or a PowerPoint presentation, the Listing Conversation is the framework for your Seller’s Success System. You will go through and discuss the many facets of marketing and selling their home.
  2. Property marketing tools – Showing your sellers exactly what you are going to do to sell their homes will help them see that there is considerably more to selling a house than sticking a sign in the front yard. Outlining how you expertly host Open Houses (including special Neighborhood Open House and Broker’s Open House) to cater to specific groups, as well as using social media and other tools to get the seller’s home in front of as many eyes as possible.
  3. Dialogues, metaphors, and analogies – We are huge fans of using metaphors and analogies while talking to prospective clients because it is taking a scenario or object that someone already knows to be true and creating a parallel to the point you are making, which then leads your potential client to see that what you are saying is also true. This also increases their level of understanding surrounding the process.
  4. Neighborhood Market Report (CMA) – Calling the Comparative Market Analysis a Neighborhood Market Report is a more articulate way of communicating what it is, which puts your sellers at least because they understand.
  5. Home Preparation Checklist – From staging tips to suggested repairs, this is where you discuss how to prepare the home for sale. If available, consider bringing Curbio in to help with the repairs, and the homeowner doesn’t have to pay until the home sells, making it a great choice for those worried about costs.
  6. Easy Exit Listing Agreement – It’s the same listing agreement you already use but packaged with a different name. Again, this puts your sellers more at ease because they know that if their home isn’t selling or they aren’t happy with your work, being released from their contract won’t be messy or complicated. 

Related reading: How to Deliver a Powerful Listing Presentation 

Related reading: RPR – 21 Tips for a Stellar Listing Presentation 

By rebranding the listing appointment to showcase your presentation as a Success System, it immediately connects you with success because, in the minds of your clients, you have something that other agents don’t have a step-by-step, tried-and-true method to achieve success. Having clearly defined tools and ideas provides an easily understood system for your homeowners, which proves your value as an agent and builds their trust. 

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