California exodus: Here's how many people moved to North Carolina

North Carolina continues to benefit from the huge number of people moving out of California in recent years.

As the Golden State sees a historic exodus continue, tens of thousands of its former residents are laying down roots in North Carolina, according to U.S. Census data.

Between 2021 and 2022, more than 817,000 people left California for somewhere else in the U.S. And nearly 22,900 of them came to North Carolina, according to new numbers from the American Community Survey.

But the data estimates that more than 13,000 people moved from North Carolina to California during the same period. That makes a net gain for the Tar Heel state of more than 9,000 new residents from California.

But North Carolina’s gain from Cali is dwarfed by Texas, which saw more than 100,00 people move in from the West Coast state – the net gain for Texas was above 60,000. The next biggest gain was in Arizona, which saw nearly 75,000 new residents move in.

According to the Census data, North Carolina also saw nearly 13,000 new residents from Maryland, 16,000 from Texas, 28,000 from North Carolina and 34,000 from Virginia.

North Carolina has seen a surge in people moving here from other states, particularly from the Midwest and Northeast, in recent years. The migration has brought billions in new income to the state, and North Carolina now has some of the fastest-growing area’s in the entire U.S.

Many of the people moving there from California and other states are wealthy individuals, and lots of them have settled in the Triangle region. The impact has shown up in the local housing market, which saw prices surge in 2021 and well into 2022. With so many out-of-state buyers coming in, and many of them willing to pay cash, it helped drive up home prices in Raleigh and Durham to record levels.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for California. The state did see a net loss of residents last year, but around 475,000 people moved to the state as well.

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California exodus. Here's how many people moved to North Carolina

North Carolina continues to benefit from the huge number of people moving out of California in recent years.

As the Golden State sees a historic exodus continue, tens of thousands of its former residents are laying down roots in North Carolina, according to U.S. Census data.

Between 2021 and 2022, more than 817,000 people left California for somewhere else in the U.S. And nearly 22,900 of them came to North Carolina, according to new numbers from the American Community Survey.

But the data estimates that more than 13,000 people moved from North Carolina to California during the same period. That makes a net gain for the Tar Heel state of more than 9,000 new residents from California.

But North Carolina’s gain from Cali is dwarfed by Texas, which saw more than 100,00 people move in from the West Coast state – the net gain for Texas was above 60,000. The next biggest gain was in Arizona, which saw nearly 75,000 new residents move in.

According to the Census data, North Carolina also saw nearly 13,000 new residents from Maryland, 16,000 from Texas, 28,000 from North Carolina and 34,000 from Virginia.

North Carolina has seen a surge in people moving here from other states, particularly from the Midwest and Northeast, in recent years. The migration has brought billions in new income to the state, and North Carolina now has some of the fastest-growing area’s in the entire U.S.

Many of the people moving here from California and other states are wealthy individuals, and lots of them have settled in the Triangle region. The impact has shown up in the local housing market, which saw prices surge in 2021 and well into 2022. With so many out-of-state buyers coming in, and many of them willing to pay cash, it helped drive up home prices in Raleigh and Durham to record levels.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for California. The state did see a net loss of residents last year, but around 475,000 people moved to the state as well.


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